Hey guys!

A little of understanding about egg protein coagulation ill help you achieve the perfect cake. Here is how it works.

In unshortened cakes, sugar molecules disperse among egg proteins and delay coagulation of the egg proteins during baking.
Sugar caramelizes when heated above its melting point, adding flavor and leading to surface browning which improves moisture retention in baked products.
As the temperature rises, egg proteins coagulate, or form bonds among each other. The sugar molecules raise the temperature at which bonds form between these egg proteins by surrounding the egg proteins and interfering with bond formations. Once the egg proteins coagulate, the cake “sets,” forming the solid mesh-like structure of the cake.

When the egg foam is heated, creates structural stability.Coagulation/ Gelation induced by:

Heat -  protein denaturation

Mechanical means -  beating, chopping

Sugar -  raises temp. of coagulation

Acids-  decrease temperature of coagulation

Alkali-  high alkali can induce gelling of egg  white

So, in conclusion Coagulation or Gelation changes in structure of egg proteins (yolk and albumen) resulting in thickening or change from a fluid to solid or semi-solid  state.
Whipping or heating allows products that contain eggs to thicken and/or coagulate, converting the mixture from a liquid state to a solid or semi-solid state. Can use both yolks and whites. Binds products naturally. Suspends other ingredients. Gelling agents in custards. Thickening agents in soft pie fillings when the egg custard is heated. Creates texture and height.

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